How do I use Truth Social?

Effectively using Truth Social and understanding its features.

1. How can personalize my Profile?

Step 1:

  • Navigate to your profile page.
  • If you are using a mobile device, tap on your profile picture in the top left corner of the TRUTH Social app and select Profile.
  • If you are using a web device, click Profile on the left sidebar menu or click on your profile picture in the top right corner and then proceed to click on your profile name.

Step 2

  • Select Edit Profile.
  • Here you can edit your display name, location, add a website link, and personalize your bio.
  • Using a mobile device, you can edit your profile or backround pictures by tapping on the camera and photo icons.
  • Using a web device, you can edit your profile or backround pictures by clicking Choose File.
  • Select Save to finalize any changes made.

2. How do I post a Truth?

Step 1:

  • For web devices, select the Compose button at the bottom of the left sidebar menu. For mobile devices, tap the Pen and Paper icon.

Step 2:

  • Type your Truth in the new dialogue box. There is a 1000-character limit. You can also include up to 4 photos, or a video, per Truth.
  • Web users will see the paperclip attachment button in the bottom left corner of the dialog box.
  • Mobile device users will see separate photo and video icons in the bottom left corner of the dialogue box above the keyboard.

Step 3:

  • Click the Truth! button in the right corner of the dialogue box to post your Truth to your feed.

3. How do I delete my post?

  • Step 1: Tap on the three dots on the bottom right of your post.
  • Step 2: Select Delete Truth

4. How do I view any comments made on a post?

  • Tapping or clicking on the post will open up Truth Details, which display the comments underneath.

5. How do I find others to follow?

  • If you want to inject your home feed with some fresh content, check out our Discover tab, distinguished by the magnifying glass icon. In Discover, you can find the viral Truths of the moment, join conversations about trending topics, search for other users, and come across new profiles and groups to follow.

6. How does the Avatar Carousel work?

  • The Avatar Carousel swiftly connects users directly to the feeds of some of the most popular and active accounts they follow. A distinctive coral ring highlighting an account's avatar alerts you to new Truths from that account. By selecting an account's avatar, you can seamlessly navigate to view their Truths in chronological order. To exit a specific account's feed, simply tap on its avatar in the carousel to deselect, which will 1) take you back to your Home Feed and 2) shift that account's profile to the end of the Avatar Carousel.

7. How do hashtags work?

  • Hashtags serve as markers that guide you to relevant discussions, topics, and communities of interest, enabling users to tag, explore, and engage in conversations. Additionally, they provide an effective means to promote campaigns or events by creating your own custom hashtags.
  • To use a hashtag, enter the (#) symbol before any slogan or key phrase.

8. How do I log in to multiple accounts simultaneously?

  • If you have multiple accounts, this function allows you to seamlessly switch between them. To access it, navigate to the toolbar on the left and select the section titled Manage Accounts.. Then, choose 'Add existing account' and log in to the account you'd like to link.

9. How do I log out of my account?

  • Navigate to the toolbar on the left and select the section titled Manage Accounts.
  • Then, choose 'Log out' and confirm your choice.